Friday, October 03, 2003

More news about the job market

I just finished reading this article from the Business section of USA Today. Most of it contains information I've already mentioned here, yet there are some unique aspects that still deemed it worthy of a link here.

As I read the article, I found myself trying to look between the lines to see where and how the information conveyed helps me as a job seeker (Even though I currently have a job, I still find myself wanting to behave as though I'm still looking, albeit not as aggressively.). How does this same information I've read before affect my job search in the short term and long term?

I used to work for an IT consulting company. I now work at a hotel as a bartender. I like the change, but more specifically, I like that I'm making money to help support my family. I was willing to take this job, even though I don't get paid the same income I had as a consultant.

One thing I know the condition of the economy and job market has affected me is that I've had to seriously examine the kind of work I used to do and ask myself if I wanted to continue down that path or pursue something different. I think that a number of individuals are in the same situation.

So, read the USA Today article with a grain of salt, and use what you learn to help you figure out what you can do to improve your job situation.

As always, comments are welcome and appreciated!

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