Thursday, March 27, 2003

Manpower Professional - Dayton Office

Some interesting developments... Yesterday I contacted the local Manpower office (see link above) to speak to the guy with whom I'd been working on my recent assignment. I spoke to someone who stated that he no longer works for the company. I was surprised. I had just seen him with his boss a month ago at the Greater Dayton IT Alliance meeting.

I asked this person if the office had a most recent copy of my resume, and I found out that they did not. Apparently, since my guy had left the company, he did not hand over the updated resume I had emailed. Okay then.

So, I just emailed the office an updated copy of my resume. I sent it to their "catch-all" email address, which I found through the Office Locator portion of the website.

Now, I need to send another copy to that other recruiter whom I'd emailed last week.


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