Monday, February 10, 2003

Effectiveness Tip of the Week via email from FranklinCovey

Gone Fishing

Back and forth, searching for the right spot, you throw out your line time and time again. "This is the place," you think, as you wait for a bite. Another snag! You begin to reel as the tension increases. Snap! Tired of fishing for information? According to one study, you may spend up to 28 minutes a day looking for lost information. What a drag on your time and energy! Cast aside your old habits and try some new techniques:

  • What, When, Where. When you capture information for future access, remember the basics:"What" information you'll need to access, "When" will you need it (day and time), and "Where" will you store it in your planning device.
  • Consistency. No matter whether you use a calendar, planner, or handheld, record needed information the same way each time.
  • Floaters. Eliminate floating information -- any piece of information you have written down that you cannot have at your fingertips within 10 seconds. Give it a try. You'll be hooked!

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