Monday, February 24, 2003

Effectiveness Tip of the Week via email from the folks at FranklinCovey:

And the winner is...

"I'd like to thank you, and you. Oh, and you." Effectively working with others really is an art. Being in the limelight appeals to almost everyone, but cooperation, not competition, is at the heart of win-win relationships. Win-win means agreements or solutions benefit and satisfy all parties-not your way or my way, but a better way. See if these tips can help you get a better angle on win-win:

  • Solid Performance. When the camera's not rolling, does your walk and talk reflect what matters most to you? If you know what is a win for you, others will as well. Integrity of character establishes trust.
  • Balance. A win-win requires maturity-a balance between courage and consideration. You express your feelings and ideas with courage, but also share the stage and allow others to do the same.
  • Plenty for All. With win-wins, you develop an Abundance Mentality® and realize that everyone can have a piece of the pie. Sharing prestige and recognition opens the doors for greater options, alternatives, and creativity.
Mutually beneficial solutions -- what could be more rewarding?

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