Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Job Posting Sites Elsewhere on the Internet

Dick Bolles, author of the perennial "What Color Is Your Parachute?", writes:

The Internet is larger than just the World Wide Web. Outside the Web, lie USENET newsgroups, mailing lists, and a number of other modalities or protocols, as they are called. Many employers find these protocols – especially newsgroups – more effective than the Web, when they're searching for employees, most particularly when they're searching for technical employees. So it is to newsgroups you must go, and not just to the Web, if you're interested in those employers' job listings.

There are newsgroup metasearch sites (on the Web, paradoxically) that will allow you to search a number of these newsgroups or a number of Mailing Lists all at once, rather than having to go to each newsgroup one by one.

Google Groups has messages from several thousand newsgroups. If it's job listings you're looking for, just type in your query, like: jobs AND Bay Area and it will give you the actual job listings that match, in reverse order (most recent, first). You can search within specific groups or search all groups.

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